30 September 2006


I came across this blog by hitting the 'Next Blog' button.
http://aliviarachelhaughery32005.blogspot.com/ It's aptly named as "Who's the Cutest Girl Around?".

Now I can't stop going back to read.

It tears my heart out to read it yet I go back, time after time, hoping that this little girl's mother has written what we all want to read..... that she has miraculously (sp?) recovered and is living the dream life of every little girl.

I wondered what I could do. Do I find out where to send some toys? Do I send a card? I'm a stranger to them. They are as unknown to me as I am to them and live several states away.

I have 3 kids of my own. It gets me to thinking. What would I do if I had to walk in her (the mother's) shoes. Could I hold up as well? Would my faith sustain me or would I rave and rant against God and nature for doing this to my baby?

I don't understand exactly what this child has to go through. Maybe I am thankful for that. I know that it makes me want to cry that any child has to deal with these problems, especially so early in life.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. I'm not sure at all what there is to say or what can be said.
I can only hope that she makes it far enough in life to know that even strangers are pulling for her and keeping her in our thoughts.

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