03 October 2006

Astrology For Fun!

Oh yeah.... found this on Yahoo.com

Let's take this bugger apart!
Just as an FYI, I'm the Aries, my husband is the Gemini.

Romantic CompatibilityProvided by Astrology.com
Aries & Gemini
When Aries and Gemini come together in a love affair, they connect on a physical as well as an intellectual level. These two Signs love activity and stay optimistic even in the most trying of times. Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac usually enjoy excellent communication and a deep understanding of one another. Aries's independent, pioneering spirit is attractive to Gemini, who also values independence. If Gemini feels that Aries is being too controlling or if Aries takes Gemini's flirtatious nature too seriously, arguments may set the tone of the relationship. Right here, let's stop.... I'm definitely controlling, definitely argumentative. The problem would be that he is too at times. He was, oh yeahhhhh, flirtatious at the beginning of our relationship. That is a big ol' whopping NO-NO. Men who look at other women in front of the girlfriend/wife are flat out rude. It may be in a man's nature to look at other women but not in front of me! I have always felt that if you are in love, your spouse should be the ONLY one you have eyes for. Eye-Candy-Blondes are reserved for when they are by themselves or not at all. If the man wanted an Eye-Candy-Blonde, they shouldn't have started hanging with me.

They create a good balance together: Aries wants to experience things and Gemini wants to discuss them. Together they can make all kinds of new discoveries that they might have missed alone.
Nope. My old man wants to experiment. I do not. We discuss the possibility of new discoveries (in bed and out) and it ain't happening. This Aries is very reluctant to try new things.

Both Aries and Gemini have tons of energy (not if you have children!) as well as common goals. Gemini is a thinker and a talker, prizes intellectual stimulation and freedom and loves to look at all sides of an argument. Aries loves to jump into new projects and get their hands dirty, and Gemini will definitely take the time to find out Aries's reasons for choosing the projects they support. My Gemini is not a talker, unless it's about hunting whitetail deer. He even swears he isn't thinking about anything! I like to get into new projects as long as it's getting his hands dirty. He'll ask me 10 times just why do I need track lighting in the kitchen.

While Gemini can be wishy-washy, Aries is straightforward and decisive; this is a great combination, but it is essential that Aries allows Gemini intellectual space.
This goes back to where I ask him what he is thinking and he says, "Nothing, Honey".
He is straightforward and decisive, I am wishy-washy.

Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars and Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. These Planets represent Passion and Communication, respectively. Because of their different approaches, Aries and Gemini work great in tandem -- they get their points across in different ways, but they definitely get those points across. Fevered debates will either spice up this union -- or ruin it. Aries needs to understand that Gemini loves a good, fiery argument, not to insult or dominate their challenger but as a great brain workout. Oh nooooo, I am the one who likes a good argument. I love being the devil's advocate in an argument. It is definitely stimulating!

Aries is a Fire Sign and Gemini is an Air Sign. Air fuels Fire and makes it spread, making this a great combination. Gemini also helps Aries realize their full potential -- Gemini definitely has the energy to keep up with Aries's fast pace and wild ideas! The combination of true, driving passion and intellectual prowess makes just about anything possible for these two. Both Signs have wide-ranging interests, and the best part is, at the end of a long and active day, Aries can come home and tell chat-hungry Gemini all about it! All of this would be true except for chat-hungry Gemini. He sits and listens to me rant and rave about my family. He's really great that way.

Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Gemini is a Mutable Sign. Aries naturally initiates new plans -- travel, sports or just a really exciting date idea -- and Gemini is always up for anything, as long as they aren't forced into it. Another great dynamic between these two Signs is their low level of competition. Aries loves the glory and Gemini is perfectly happy to be in the background, pulling the strings. Both Signs are better at starting things than ending them, so if one partner gets bored with the direction the relationship is taking, the other won't resent moving on toward something new. Backwards again.... but close. My Gemini is good about the no-resentment part. He's pretty easy going most of the time.

What's the best aspect of the Aries-Gemini relationship? Their ability to work together as a single unit. Together they can learn much more than either Sign would alone.
Your dang skippy! We're as opposite as they come but it all comes out in the wash.

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