Tomorrow is Halloween! The 2nd best night of the year!
My kids are more than ready to trick'r'treat. All is ready and waiting for them to dress up and visit some family and friends. We usually don't go far. We go over to my husband's place of business where they (very cheerfully!) give out candy. Our night is usually over by 8pm which is good with me. They are tired by then and have school the next day.
My nephews went to their other grandparents' house today. I love them dearly but was awfully tired and getting quite stressed out (not with them, with other things going on). My oldest nephew (4 yrs old) asked why I called his brother (10 mos old) "sweetcakes". I told him that it was because he smelled like sweetcakes. I asked him why he thought I called him "polecat". I was all ready to tell him it was because he smelled like a polecat. He surprised me though. He said it was because I loved him. Awwwwwwwwwww........ sniff, sniff. He's so right too!
The nursing home called. They are having to move granddaddy back to his old room. It seems Mr Busybody was going into his neighbors' rooms and taking things. It's all part of the stage of alzheimers he is in but wrong anyway. I couldn't get to the nursing home today but am going tomorrow. Today I had a conference at school with my oldest son's teacher. He got very good grades and his teacher is very impressed with him. I was very proud! After I left there, I picked grandmama up and took her to her coumadin clinic. Her coumadin levels were waaaayyyy out of whack. We'd had so many good months and now it's all gone to hell in a handbasket. She swears she is not doing anything different but I think it's a combination of a few things. She needs to eat green veggies and I think she's eating nothing but junk (i.e. ice cream, snickers, milky ways, hot dogs). She is also taking more tylenol which will mess it up too. I guess I'm just going to have to go up there with good food and watch her eat it. I also wonder if she's mucking up her meds. Coumadin (blood thinner) is not something to mess around with.
Tomorrow is also my daughter's birthday. I have discovered that 13 yr olds are a breed unto themselves. More on that when I get over my big upset with her. I think she's made some kind of 180 degree turn in the last two weeks and it's not good.
Well, it's been a long day. More tomorrow....