What are the signs of the times?
Is it television, movies, media, technology?
Is it the way we raise our children?
Could it be our political leaders?
Our fallen religious leaders?
Is it the price of groceries or gas?
Could it be the fact that schools, banks and governmental offices are closed to honor our veterans but no one but big cities honor them in a large way (parades, monuments, etc)?
Maybe it's the children dying in 3rd world countries while we sit here watching tv shows such as Super Sweet Sixteen about sixteen years old plotting to spend $3000 that their mother saved on centerpieces for a sweet sixteen party?
Or could it be the break-down of the family and family values?
Maybe it's not the sign of the times but our slow maybe fatal evolution of the human race.
I think I'm a little pessimistic tonight.
Time to think it over.