01 August 2009

Dukes Mayo

There is no doubt that Dukes Mayonnaise is one of the foundations of southern style eating. I love this stuff! Creamy with just the right amount of zing.... it makes a nanner sammich a thing of beauty. I sincerely wish I liked to eat tomatoes. I can imagine that there would be nothing else that said yummm like a good mater sammich with a load of mayo, a little salt & pepper between 2 pieces of Bunny bread. Even so, the nanner sammich is enough for me.

But let me say as well that it adds that zing to ranch dressing, cheese balls, potato salad, slaw and chicken salad. I'm sure it works just as well in tuna salad but I just can't push myself past that tuna smell. My mother went through a "tuna" diet of some sort when I was young. I still twitch at times, thinking about the smell that permeated every part of our house.

We also use it on any and all sammiches including (but NOT limited to) grilled cheeses, sloppy joes and bologna sammiches. I bet we go through GALLONS of it every month or two. Of course, there are 6 people who live here and many more who come over and spend the night with the kids. Yes, I know that it is greasy and adds many layers of fat to my belly (that wonderful *visceral* fat.... nothing says loving like adding padding by way of mayo!). It is, believe it or not, sugar free and cholestoral free! Whether it was or not, I'd die happy if my assassin was the mayo man. You know how the southern cooks use words like "slather" and "dredge". This is because of 3 things. Lard, Butter (my absolute ALL TIME FAV! My love for butter is another post for another time.) and mayo.

Just as an FYI on Dukes... an obviously lovely southern lady from South Carolina, Ms Eugenia Duke, is the creator of Dukes Mayonnaise. It is still made in Greenville, South Carolina although now, according to the Dukes web site, they churn out about 240 jars per minute. I think Dukes is like Sundrop and has not been very far past its borders. I'm pretty sure you can't find it in the west. The best thing is that the company hasn't screwed around with the recipe. It's the same as it was over a hundred years ago. (Take THAT, Pepsi & Coke!!)

For more information and a way to buy the creamy dream.... http://dukesmayo.com/

Oh and no, I'm not trying to sell it. It just struck me as something I wanted to jabber on about on the blog. :o)
Go Dukes Mayo!

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