Interesting news from the nursing home front today.
I received a call from the nursing home at 8:15 this evening. The nurse said that gd#1 had gotten up from his bed, walked across a safety mat, into the bathroom, did his business, came out and fell. The interesting part to all of this was that just last week, our up-and-coming, most promising 85 yr old star was only able to stand for a few seconds at a time. He didn't get hurt badly, just a bump on the head that a good dose of acetaminophen (sp?) will take care of. No skin tears, no concussins, no hematomas, hurray!
This man was so sick (twice in a month's time) that we didn't expect him to live. Now he has gotten to the point of walking again. I'm not getting my hopes up that he will come home or even live forever. I'm just shooting for a good quality of life of what he has left. Alzheimers patients are denied that particular privilege so anything he gets, we are excited over!
C..... doing the wooooohooooo dance!