I read this ( http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/07/17/bush.tape/index.html ) today. It's Bush talking to Blair, while stuffing his mouth full of food. Bush said "shit". So what??? How is this newsworthy? Any time he opens his mouth, that's all that comes rolling out of it anyway.
Watch tv tonight. Count the times curse words are used. Notice that it's much more than once. Bush says it and wham! It's a news item! Yes, he is our president and he should be held to a higher morality rule but so should everyone else. What is this, 'it's ok for me to say but not for him'? I'm not defending Bush since I'm not crazy about his policy(ies) but I do take offense that CNN deems this a newsworthy item.
I find that there's no need to over-analyze this. No need to have a summit/conference/meeting/hearing on it. The man is an adult and should have the right to say what he wants to say without so much censure. I'm still not talking policy, I'm talking about the choice of words. If the United States of America voted him back in after his pronounciation of "nuclear", then "shit" should be acceptable and we should be able to move on. If any offense should be taken, it should be that he was still putting food in his mouth while holding this conversation with another person.
C.......... 'Nough Said