Update on Medicaid.....
As I said before, grandmama (gm#1) retained an atty who is also a cpa. Her paralegal is working with me on everything. Maybe I am working with her on everything. I think everytime I turn around, she needs something from me. I feel like I'm doing all the leg work while she's doing all the sit-down work. I realize I am actually paying for the atty's/paralegal's expertise but for the money I've spent, I want more. I feel a whine coming on here so feel free to surf away. I don't expect coffee in the morning from the atty but I do want the communication to come through a little more frequently. Sometimes I don't hear from them for a week or more.
We're down to where the paralegal has sent the application to the Department of Social Services and they have even sent a note to gm#1 saying they have it and need more info. They only need copies of check registers, more statement copies and an FL-2 from the nursing home. (An FL-2 for those of you who don't know, is a very short and to the point summary of the patient and his/her diagnosis(es). Whenever you go from the hospital to a nursing home or from nursing home to nursing home, you have to have one. It's like an Invalid Senior Passport if you will). I had to sign financial releases so that the DSS could legally check the checking/savings accounts of my grandparents. I do understand the premise behind it; they need to make sure no one is cheating. It does make me feel like though that my grandparents' life is laid open like a book. I just want to tell the DSS that it ISN'T ANY OF THEIR BUSINESS! I can't and I don't but I still feel that way.
We're now waiting for the bank to send check copies. Is this the only thing that Medicaid is waiting on? I have no clue but I'm sure I'll find out soon. Our goal of Medicaid acceptance seems to get a little closer with each piece of paperwork....