Why am I writing this?
My husband says I shouldn't be writing this and putting it out for everyone/the world to see.
I'm not writing it for entertainment value, that's for sure.
I think I'm writing in for that one in a million person who just happens to run across it and see that somebody else is walking in shoes just like him/her.
When we (the family) started going through all of this with my dad, it felt like we were the ONLY ones it happened to. My mother and I attended one or two Alzheimers support groups. Although I could see that it was very helpful to the other people there, it wasn't helpful to us. My dad was younger than the other Alzheimers patients at the time. He was also going through different phases (serious aggression and other things) than most other Alzheimers patients. We've been through so many hoops and hurdles with him and now I am doing the same hoops and hurdles with my granddad. He just isn't going through the phases the same way.
I'm writing this to get it off my chest. I'm writing this to keep myself sane.