13 September 2006

Rain, Sew, Rain, Sew.....

It's such a rainy day that I thought I'd start out with this; I got it in my email the other day from a friend:


~ A man was found dead in his home over the weekend. Detectives at the scene found the man face down in his bathtub. The tub had been filled with milk, sugar and cornflakes. A banana was sticking out of his butt.

Police suspect a cereal killer.


To paraphrase another friend (I'm such a copycat!)..... bawahahahahhaaa!!!!!


I'm getting into sewing. Slowly but surely I have taught myself the basic basics. I still have alot of trouble with reading patterns but I'm getting there. This was my latest 'completed' project:

It's not that big. It's just big enough to fit 2 credit cards. The pattern called for a zipper but I found out earlier on a previous pocket book that zippers are not my friends.

~*~ Sewing Name Tags ~*~

I've also just finished (I hope!) adding name tags to all of my dad's and granddad's clothes. Even though I do their laundry (phewwww!!), their clothes go missing alot. For whatever reason, I bought 'dark' clothing so the tags needed to be a light color. I tried several different things. Using a permanant marker on them does not work as black blends in and it fades fast (these clothes must be laundered several times a week!). I did some research on 'archival ink' and found that Epson is the printer that makes the best archival ink. I also found out that the 'refills' on my mother's Dell have archival ink too.

I ironed the fabric to freezer paper and then cut it out in the same size as the copy/printer paper. I printed what I needed in the label area of MS Word. I separated the freezer paper and the fabric and ironed Wonder Under onto the back of the printed fabric. I cut the names into smaller sizes and then ironed them onto the shirts and pants. After that, I sewed the edges of the tags to keep them from coming off or fraying. I guess we'll see how it goes.

This is a like a work in progress. I started by using the permanent marker. When it didn't work well, I thought of the tags. The tags needed to be bigger than any I found on the internet. I needed something the nurses/CNAs could see without too much effort. I started by ironing them on. That didn't work really well because either dad or granddad would 'pick' at them or they would just 'roll' up in the dryer. My next step, obviously, was to sew them. I could skip the ironing part but then the tags move around too much when I sew them.


Well, the rain has ended and led to a beautiful, sunny day. We only got 2 1/2". Not too bad.


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