14 September 2006

Medicaid Part III

Update on the Medicaid Application Front:

Well, the paralegal called to tell me that granddaddy's case had been handed over to yet another case worker. When the original application was sent in, it had all the paperwork with it. When it was passed to case worker #2, somehow the paperwork was lost. The paperwork was resent. When it was passed to case worker #3, you guessed it, the paperwork was lost AGAIN. I don't mind sending it again but I do mind that they are losing it. How do I know some idiot doesn't have it and using it for some scam/fraud??? When you apply for medicaid, you have to send in information on your WHOLE LIFE, just about down to the color of your underwear. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Case worker #3 has said that this application will up for approval no later than Sept 25th. I guess we'll know for sure on the 26th.

I still haven't filed everything with the VA. They want even more stuff than medicaid. To top it all off, I found out that I would have to file taxes for them this year. Sheeeessshhhh!!!!

Still waiting......

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