26 October 2006

The Big Move

Granddaddy was moved today at the nursing home. Instead of being back in a 'hole', he's in a high traffic area. We advocated for this new room for a long time. In the old room, hardly anybody came by. He could have fallen and no one would know it for a long time. They do have buttons to push that turn on a light over the room but most of the cnas/nurses on that end are too lazy to respond. We (grandmama and I) were there long enough to get him set up in the new room. I put his pictures back on his wall and they are now in a place where he can get closer to them and see them better. He really likes them and shows them to everybody. He was in a half-decent mood. He only begged to come home 10 times rather than his usual 50. He told me he wasn't staying in 'this damn hospital' for the rest of his life. Sigh. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he would be. We had just started getting along well with his day nurse and now we have to start all over with a new one. Gotta take the bad along with the good I guess.

Daddy was doing pretty good today. He was parked at the nurses station. He naps alot now. He sounded ok (breathing-wise) until he coughed. It sounded so bad it made me wince. He's on antibiotics but I know one day those meds will cease to work. He obviously hadn't been shaved in 3 days so I requested that it happen asap. It took them all of 5 minutes to shave him. Why couldn't they have done it sooner??? Why did I have to request it???

And the fight continues on....

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