28 October 2006

Is It Bedtime Yet???

Ok, I have had a grand total of 7 children in my house today.


I took my daughter and one of her friends to get a 'make-over' (just with cosmetics) today at the mall. Let's start the list of things wrong with this.

1. What was I thinking??
2. We were at the mall, my least favorite place to be.
3. I took my 12 (3 days until 13) year old daughter.
4. I took one of her friends who is already 13 and already wears make-up.
5. I took them to Wal-Mart afterward.
6. My daughter has a serious attitude.

Maybe it doesn't sound so bad but combine that with a headache reaching migraine status.

The make-over thing went well. Once the lady was finished applying make-up, I told her that I wanted to purchase one of everything she had applied for each child. Yes, I had lost my mind. I wanted to make this such a good thing for my child for her birthday. I have tried so hard to be a good mother to her. I just wanted this one time not to be a failure. As I was telling this information about buying the make-up to the saleslady, my daughter taps me on the shoulder. She and her friend want to go to another store while I pay for this stuff. She takes off so fast it almost makes my head spin. Who wants to hang with mom when there's so much other stuff to see and do, even if mom is paying through the nose for this make-up?

We went to Wal-Mart and the same thing happened. What happened to my little girl? When did she grow up to 13 and grow an attitude like a third arm? I know I have to let go, a little at a time but it's so hard.

But.... onto other fun things....

I came home to where my two nephews were having a good time with my two boys. My youngest nephew has an ear infection and is just a litttttttle bit cranky. His mom and dad have gone to another state so his dad can run in a marathon. They really needed this break so I do not resent having my nephews here. My sister will babysit for me in the blink of an eye. I figure it evens out even though she only has two children as to where I have three. Her youngest is almost 10 months old. He's still little enough to wake up in the night and need more than 3 square meals a day. (LOL) Her oldest is 11 mos younger than my youngest so they pal around a good bit (like partners in crime!).

My mother decided to take my daughter and her friend to get their nails done (as part of the birthday thing). My husband left to sight in his rifle and muzzleloader. I was here with 4 boys(8, 5, 4, 11 mos). It turned out easier than I thought. Mom and the girls were only gone 2 hrs. I didn't lose much hair. LOL

The next problem I ran into was that the littlest didn't want to take his bottle. He eats just fine (most especially when his Aunt (that's me!) sneaks him tiny pieces of snickerdoodle cookies!) but has refused a bottle all evening. I think I will be at Wal-Mart first thing in the morning to get a sippy cup. He wouldn't even let the nipple close to his mouth much less drink from the bottle. He's asleep right now so we're crossing fingers that he stays that way until about 8am tomorrow. LOL

The friend my daughter had over last night went home earlier this evening. Another child has now arrived to take her place (or it seems that way). This child usually is supposed to come over for a night and ends up here all weekend. I'm not complaining but I've hit my limit with kids. Somebody knew what they were doing when I had to have that emergency hysterectomy when my last child was born. LOL I can only handle so much.

My sister has called several times to check on her children. The last time she called, there was another child (well, she's not a child, she's about 19) knocking on my door. Her father is my neighbor. It seems that her father won a $5000 grill set from Bass Pro today. As he was going up to accept it, he had a seizure (his first and hopefully last). She was flipping out and I felt so sorry for her. Only her and her 16 yr old sister were at the hospital with her father (parents are divorced). She needed somebody to take care of her dad's dog. No problem. I told her that whatever she needed, all she had to do was say so. I remember when my dad had his first grand mal seizure. Even though the seizure itself is not threatening (as long as the person doesn't hit his/her head), it's still scary as hell. She said she had done quite well until she got away from the hospital (to get her dad's stuff for his overnight stay). Once she got away, the situation hit her and she became quite upset. Geeeez, if I could help her more, I'd do it in a heartbeat. They are good kids and he is a great neighbor.

Well, there's always more to type so maybe I'll do more later. I'm tired.


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