29 October 2006


I've got a 3 pound roast in the oven. It's surrounded by potatoes, carrots and slices of onion.
I've added some worchestshire sauce, salt, and roasted garlic to the water. Only one more hour and it's allllllllllllllll mine!

Well, not all mine. I still have those 6 kids (plus we 3 adults) here.

I had actually almost forgotten how much housework you can't get done with a 10 month old around. Little tater has refused his bottle most of the day and forget the naps, they just didn't happen. My mother, dang her hide, ran. She ran like a yellow bellied coward. She took my daughter and her friend to Wal-Mart. For 3 freaking hours!

That's alright because little tater is sleeping in her room tonight. bawahahahaha!!!

The neighbor who had the seizure seems to be doing good. He's cranky about wanting to come home so that's always a good sign. I think his daughters will have a long time before they truly get over the scare. I was 30 yrs old when my dad had his first grand mal seizure and it haunted me for a very long time. It's tough when the roles reverse and as a child, you have to be a parent to your parent. I should know. I parent 2 parents and 4 grandparents along with my kids (and sometimes my husband.... LOL).

I'm working on a simple drawstring backpack for my nicely ungrateful daughter. I've got it almost complete with exception of the stinking little eyelets (grommets). I got a pair of pliers for eyelets today but it's not working well. I think it's the wrong size of pliers. Try, try again.

Unfortunately, the cyst is back. That wonderful little cyst (on the ovary...I hate that word btw "ovary") that had gone away by taking birth control pills. I had to come off of them (as an experiment by the doctor??) to see if it comes back. I can say, without a doubt, it's there and it's hurting like a bugger. I'm wondering what the dr will do now, put me back on the pills or just rip the good ol' ovaries out? I don't have any of the rest of it so whatever works as long as the pain goes away. I think coming off the pills have given me a good headache every waking minute too but I'm not sure if it's that or the fun of having so many things going on at one time.

Enough for now. More fun later.


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