09 October 2006

Nothing New

Nothing New on the nursing home front. Of course, the night isn't over yet either. Most of the emergency calls I've had have been at night from the nursing home. There have been nights were I couldn't help but lay awake wondering if a call would come through. "Your dad/granddad has (or is going to be) been transported to the hospital". I would have to get up, get dressed and fly (driving the car) the 20 miles south to the hospital, panicking all the way. I've also had midnight calls from grandmama where I would have to call the ambulance. I never had to call 911 before 2002. Since then, I've had to place 8 calls. All ended with trips to the emergency room. 3 of them were in 3 days one time. I have been fortunate to get some really great people (emts, paramedics, etc). The one time things went sour, it was at the nursing home. For some reason, firefighter paramedics went sent. The 'lead' guy was having an attitude problem. He didn't see anything wrong with granddaddy and thought we were over-reacting. That was the time granddaddy spent 17 days in the hospital and we didn't think he was going to survive. The drs had even called in hospice/pallative care. Amazingly enough, not only did he survive, he is thriving.

I did get a call from a friend this evening letting me know that there are two cases of meningitis at my daughter's school. I don't know if they are viral or bacterial. My daughter got her meningitis vaccination this time last year but I don't know if it was a vaccination for the bacterial or viral either. I'm just hoping nobody else comes down with it. One of the kids is in the hospital. Not a good thing at all.

I think I'll close this post until something else pricks my imagination. I'm very tempted to go into a men-bashing session but I think I'll wait for a while on it. Men are easy to fuss about. I love my husband to no end but some days........

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