Granddaddy is back at the nursing home, doing much better even though he is still on oxygen.
I was told that he was patting the EMT's arm and grinning like a 'possum.
That's my granddaddy!
I didn't stay long yesterday at the hospital because I had all 3 kids with me and I didn't feel too good. It wasn't anything specific, just felt bad. The nurse told me that the GI doctor was going to come by and take a look at his peg tube (feeding tube that leads into the stomach). It got clogged the night before. The nurse thought it may have been from the crushed pills he is given by the tube at the nursing home. The nurses poured coca-cola into it to clean it out. Worked like a charm but they still wanted the GI doc to take a look at him.
When I called back this morning, the GI doc had already replaced the tube... yesterday! He was doing great and ready to come back to the nursing home.
I was sidelined today due to an intestinal virus. I didn't want to share it with anybody so I stayed home with the exception of dropping off the kids and picking them up. I sure hope it's made it's debut and ready to leave. I slept most of the day. I think I could have gone to bed at 5pm today and slept until 5am tomorrow. The kids kind of kept that from happening.
I'm sure there are other fun things to tell and know but I'm outta here.... good night, folks!