I had a pretty good day.
I'm not telling but a few people but...
I managed to feed all the animals, clean off my desk and Earl's desk, file away papers, get the boy's room clean and take care of my oldest boy who was having a fit because he couldn't go hunting with his daddy. It was too cold to start but having bronchitis was the finisher. I wouldn't let him go out but for a minute to see the deer. He didn't get to go with his daddy, brother and sister to the processor's place so that was a major crisis for him. I offered to play Family Feud (one of his fav games) with him but the damage was done. Sigh.
I even was able to get 5 songs onto my daughter's IPod from a CD. Dang what a scam. I went to a popular (and legal) site. They wanted $9.95 a month plus 99 cents per song download. Sheeesh, they are just songs, not gold!!
Now I've just got to get the rest of the paperwork ready for granddaddy's application to the Veterans Association. Wonder if it makes a difference that he earned a bronze medal? I guess I'll find out Monday morning.
I'm off to email and surf.
Everyone have a good night!