Today was Awards day for my daughter's 7th grade. She picked up a certificate for Outstanding Character, a certificate for the Battle of the Books, a medal for Outstanding in Social Studies and a medal for Outstanding in Biotech! Woohooo!!! I'm so proud of my baby!
It took a little manuevering but I managed to get there before they gave her the 2 medals. The ceremony started at 7:30am. I still had to get my two boys to school right before 8am. It's a wonder I didn't get stopped for driving like a lunatic. lol No, I didn't speed. I was just very impatient with traffic.
I think I feel a little better today. We shall see I guess.
Issues on the Agenda:
A.) Granddaddy - His feeding tube is leaking badly. It's bad enough that they are having to change his clothes about 3 times a day. I think we've gone beyond it being just a 'defective bumper' on the tube. The director of the nursing home called yesterday (May 31st) to talk to my mother about another episode that happened (that did not involve my family). I told her that something needed to be done and who did I need to talk to get something done. She said she would talk to someone and get a GI consult for him. Wait and see, wait and see.
Not too long ago, she threatened to have him 're-evaluated' and sent to an assisted living center. It was a subtle threat to get me to stop complaining about him getting basic care. I think I'll explain more in detail on another post on this topic.
B.) Laundry - Since granddaddy's clothes have been changed 3 times a day, he is running out of clean clothes. I had bought him enough to last 2 weeks if necessary (in case I got sick or went on vacation). He has run through them all! I'm working on 2 -55 gallon bags full of dirty clothes plus clothes for 5 other people. Forget getting the sheets washed anytime soon. By the time I'm done with clothes, I don't want to even *think* about sheets and bedspreads.
C.) My House - Ohhhhhhhhhh, here's a good one. Is my house clean? Nooooooo. Will it be clean anytime in the future? Nooooooo. Do I try? Yes. The dishes get done, the laundry of course is being worked on, but dusting and vacuuming take a back seat. I'm not stressing too bad at this point over it but I'm sure I will. It will end up being another load on the backpack one day.
D.) My House II - You know we are working on putting a bedroom and bathroom in the basement. Hurry up and wait. It's framed in now. The electrician is coming tonight although when he will actually get to it, I don't know. I can't push him on this because it's my best friend's husband and he is doing us a favor. It would be rude to rush him. We're supposed to go to another city tomorrow to look at the system we need to install for the basement bathroom so they won't tear up our concrete floor. When we get all this done, we're still talking about what to put on the walls. Do we 'mud' them all? Do we use the ply-bead and white-wash it? I'm going for the rustic look. I haven't done too well in the past with decorating. I really want to make this look right. Do we use the ply-bead on the ceiling or sheet rock or both? Do I really need the ceiling fan? Ahhhhhhhhhh ggggggeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz........ When it's all done, we'll have to pack it all up and bring it down here and unpack it. Then we go to grandmama's house, pack her up and unpack her down here in our old room. Which reminds me.... I need to check out the things you use to elevate toilet seats so she can actually use our bathroom upstairs without having to replace the whole toilet.
E.) Grandmama's House - We got an offer on grandmama's house yesterday. It had 8 showings from May 22nd - May 31st. Not too bad. What sticks in my craw is that the buyers want us to pay for a home warranty, xxx amount of dollars for repair costs AND their closing costs. I didn't put it on the market to GIVE it away. I realize this is the way real estate deals work but it struck me as rude to ask for so much. I'm having to pay the flipping real estate agent's fees as well as whatever else our state wants us to pay (stamps, etc). I guess I'm goofy to think that you pay your end of it (warranty and closing costs) and I pay my end of it (agent fees, stamps/whatever, repair costs). Needless to say, we declined. Still waiting to still if they want to renegotiate.
Maybe I should stop right there. I'm on a whining roll today.
But! That is what I set this blog up for! To get the whines out before they make it to my mouth, roll out and become history..... setting the stage for a bad day.....