12 December 2006

Day #2 of Grandparent Set #2 Fun

I have had so much fun with my other set of grandparents today. I liken it to, let's say, sugar on a tooth with an exposed root.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear grandmama #2 was on crack.

The little woman came barreling out of the house this morning, 8am sharp, screeching about how everybody wanted to put granddaddy #2 in a nursing home or they wanted to send out a physical therapist to the house. I'd have told her that she must have been smoking crack if I thought she wouldn't have smacked me right in the face. Nobody had said anything about him going to a nursing home on a permanent basis. GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ. The rep from the physical therapy place came by the day before (Mon) and said that he would be evaluated to see if he needed rehabilitation at a rehab facility or possibly a therapist coming to the house. She didn't want EITHER of those things to happen. I told her to take a breath and that he wasn't that sick to go to a skilled nursing facility. A therapist coming to the house was not a bad idea but she was soooooo against it. I flat out asked her why. She said because she didn't like the paperwork. WHAT???? What kind of stupid excuse is that? I then told gm#2 that we'd just wait and see what the doctor said today. He didn't call last night so I was planning on finding myself a doctor today.

The doctor finally called after I got home from taking clean clothes to the nursing home where daddy and granddaddy #1 are. He said the pneumonia was responding well to treatment and that a therapist may be needed to come to the house. I told him that she was against a therapist coming to the house or for rehab placement. He said, "that's funny, she agreed to rehab placement". OMG.

This after alllllll the hell she put me through this morning about him not going anywhere and nobody coming to the house.

This woman, I have decided, is certifiably nuttier than a fruitcake.

I called my step-aunt who offered to meet me at the hospital to talk with gm#2.

The 3 of us sat down and had a chat about it. My grandmother, at first, DENIED, agreeing to placement. Then she said the doctor had misled her. After that it was 'doctor double-talk'.
She wouldn't admit that she had agreed to rehab placement. She did agree to home physical therapy, saying it was something she wouldn't mind. She says this after throwing a tantrum this morning like a 2 yr old about not wanting them to come to her house.

The good news about all of this is that gd#2 will probably come home either Wed or Thurs at the latest since he is responding well to the antibiotics.

The bad news (for gm#2) is that she is going to have to find another person to haul her skinny little butt around. I think this may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. I have dealt with alot of things but I refuse to deal with an out 'n' out liar, even if she is my grandmother. I'll take her to get her arm looked at on Thurs as well as her haircut the same day but after this week, no more.

No More.


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